Sunday, June 8, 2008

Petroquake 2.7

So it finally happended............

From midnight today, petrol is now officially RM2.70 per litre and diesel is now at RM2.58 per litre. If you ask me, we have been duped by the government feel-good propoganda for far too long. So much so that we had been living in fantasyland. In other words, we had been jerked around by our very own government.

We had been so comfy with the oil subsidies that we had totally ignored the other FREE source of energy that we had been so kindly blessed with. I am talking about the SUN, and I am not refering to the newspaper but rather the hot one up in the sky that we get for almost half the day here.

Granted, Solar powered cars might not be here yet but solar panels are. And just imagine if everyone were to utilize those solar panels in our homes, we will end up with a huge savings from our power bill.

Coming back to teh petrol hike, the PM has made a plea for the people not to hold any demonstartion over the price hike. So how are we going to show our displeasure? By paying happily the new rates? He is lucky if rotten eggs are not thrown at him.

For a country who is a NET exporter of oil, we are paying a net importer prices. Is this logical? Then again, is it logical for some of our politicians who are earning RM12,000 to have RM24,000 monthly expenses? Nothing seems to be logical here anymore.

Already there are calls for protests in KL and others towns but to me those actions will only give some target practice for the police and FRU's (Officially known as Federal Reserve Unit but more aptly Federal Ruffian Force). Why give them an excuse to whack us left and right, up and down?

If anyone who is affected by this oil price increase is concerned and turned off with this government, the only 'safe' way to show the G-men our anger and displaeasure is to SWITCH OFF for a day or a few hours all electrical appliances in our homes or offices and stop driving our cars, trucks, SUV's and/or bikes.

SWITCH OFF to show that we are PISSED OFF.