Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In Japan, got Japanese ar?

The other day I was manning a tour desk for a day and my duties consisted of entertaining phone calls from potential and would-be customers. There was quite a huge number of phone calls and some of the calls was rather straight forward inquiry calls and some of the calls was just incredibly hilarious and ridiculously stupid!

I would like to share some of the phone calls that had me giggling just thinking about it during dinner time and still shaking my head at bed time:

MAN: Hello. Is that xxx tour company?
ME: Yes sir. Good morning and thank you for your call.
MAN: I would like to inquire about a trip to Korea during winter.
ME: What is it that you would like to know,sir?
MAN: I am planning to go in December. Winter,right? That time will it be cold ar?
ME: ??????

Has global warming arrived?

LADY: Hello. Is that xxx tour company?
ME: Yes.....Good morning, maam.
LADY: I am thinking of going to Japan and i want to fly on the A380.
ME: Yes, we do have tours to Japan traveling by A380. The flight will be operated by Singapore Airlines. Therefore we have to transit in Singapore.
LADY: Why transit ar?
ME: The flight is operated by Singapore Airlines and the A380 will only fly from Sinagpore to Japan.
LADY: Why Malaysia Airlines don't have A380 ar?
ME: Unfortunately not yet, maam.
LADY: Why ar? Why Malaysia Airline don't have A380?
ME: Malaysia Airline has yet to take delivery of the A380.
LADY: Aiyah! Why not yet buy ar? Why don't want to buy ar?
ME: No maam. Malaysia Airline did bought the A380. Just that the supplier has yet to supply it yet.
LADY: Aiyah! Why so slow one? Got no money to pay ar? Like that, how to fly to Japan?

So many questions, so few patience!

MAN: Hello. I would like to know....
ME: Yes?
MAN: Do you have any tours to Nepal?
ME: I am sorry sir but we do not have any tours to Nepal....
MAN: Why? Why you don't have tours to Nepal? Why? Why you don't sell tours to Nepal? You don't like Nepal ar?

what the.....?

And this one tops them all.....

MAN: Hello!
ME: Good afternoon sir.
MAN: I would like to ask you. I want to go to Hokkaido during winter time for sking.
ME: Yes sir. We do have sking tours to Hokkaido in winter.
MAN: In winter, got snow ar?

In Japan, got Japanese ar?